24 Sep

Distraction Correlation

Dive Deeper:

Distractions are so good these days you can live a life full of chasing them with zero adverse effect. No doubt, your life will be perfectly fine and healthy. But in my opinion, these people are missing out. In a way living the standard life and missing out on the upgrade.

There is nothing like creating something for yourself and living it out. You see this joy when people have children. The manifestation of something you’ve created over such a long and dedicated period of time. But this feeling isn’t only for your kids! That same feeling of living and being all in exist in all other things. The reason why we seldom feel it is bc the distraction always wins. To get to the other side to have to know the distraction is soooo good. But if I stick out my own thing, eventually no distraction can compare to what I got here. Eventually.