30 Apr

Well, well. Let’s Get Started.

Finally, here it is. A new direction.  I would be lying to you if I acted like I wasn’t a bit nervous to put Fortis EQ into the public eye. I cannot think of a time in my life that I haven’t been in an organized sport or on some rigorous exercise program. Obviously, I have physically looked like an athlete my whole life. More importantly I have lived like one which has subconsciously changed my view of living. I have quietly kept those thoughts to myself and a small number of like-minded athletes. I think it’s only natural I feel some nervousness as I close the chapter of keeping it to myself and now sharing it with the world.

Athletes are just different. We feel it when we talk to people of the general population. My entire life I have had trouble putting my finger on why I feel like I am not a part of what, “they” do.  To our core, we think differently. We tackle issues differently, commit differently, and even obsess differently. How we really are internally may be too intense, arrogant, or misunderstood for the general person.

There has always been obvious carry over and intersectionality from my athletic to personal life. I cannot be the only one who thinks some of these things I do. Fortis EQ is my branching out to fellow athletes to let you know that you aren’t the only crazy person. I am not a sports psychologist nor do I have a PhD in some philosophical branch. I am just one of us. I am someone who takes training serious just like you. I have simply made the realization there is another part to living the life of an athlete that is seldomly discussed. Fortis EQ is my platform to talk about those things.

I feel some urge to get out as much as I can before my time on Earth is up. I mean, what else am I going to do with it? I have no aim for nobility or goal of grandeur. I am not here to, “change the industry”. No. I am here just to talk to my people. My homies. The ones I have been riding with my entire life. All we really have is one another.

I will use this blog as a journal. Please sign up for the Newsletter to not miss out on any entries. I promise I won’t sent you useless shit you don’t want. The bulk of discussion will be on YouTube, so please subscribe so you don’t feel left out and sad.

Above all, I look forward to making new friends and getting to know you all as we go on this athletic journey of life.

Thank you for your time as always!